Head Girls's Message

Session: 2021-22

A leader’s capability is tested by how well they work in crisis and there’s no better example than this year when it came to exemplifying the term ‘crisis’. Schools had to be closed due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, and we had to shift all our work to the online platform. From the selection to the ceremony where I officially swore as the representative of the school, it was all so overwhelming

This year was definitely a notable one since it was the 25th year of this wonderful institution, the silver jubilee of the school that gave us unforgettable golden memories. It was indeed unprecedented and thus we had the opportunity of learning even more. The fact that it was and had to be all different from what it had been until now, is what makes my experience as the Head Girl even more exceptional.

Although we were the face of the institution for one whole year, it was actually our encouraging teachers and the diligent CCA coordinators who helped us to put up such appreciable work. It would have been arduous to coordinate if we were not guided precisely.

I would certainly carry this experience of being the Head Girl of such a prestigious institution forward and would surely be more fine in all the skills that I learnt while holding this position. I would also like to tell my juniors that being the best doesn’t makes you stand out, but being unique does.

Believe in yourself, have faith that you can and you will. There’s nothing that you cannot achieve, and that was something I learnt all through this journey.


(Class - XII D1)
Session: 2018-19

School is a temple of learning. We as students tread the path of wisdom and knowledge and achieve our goals. The wings of righteousness, confidence and the conviction to complete our endeavours.

Though every year has brought me closer to my school, but this year 2018-19 holds a special place in my life. I have been selected to represent to my school in the capacity of school leader. I am grateful to our Principal, Teachers and students who found me capable enough to hold this post of prestige. I am committed to my school and will execute all my duties to the fullest.

Our guides, our principal and teachers have always been inspiration for students. They all have given us an ocean of opportunities to showcase our talents and channelize our energies. They all are the captain who steers this ship with complete dedication. We the crew have nothing to worry in the safe tenderise and gentle embrace of them.

To all the fellow students I would like to say that this school is the best place you will ever be in. This school gives us the opportunities to find our true selves and to nurture our talents by displaying them whether in academics, sports or co-curricular activities.

Value your school days, you will never get back but keep in mind the discipline and your aim of being successful human-: “Discipline is the building block of success.”

(Class - XII A)
Session: 2016-17

To be successful you don’t need a beautiful face and heroic body, what you need is skillful mind and ability to perform and I believe I have performed well for this prestigious post of a Head Girl.

For me, being a Head Girl is not merely wearing a badge; it is about bearing one of the most crucial responsibilities and leading the institution to new heights of success.

Various responsibilities throughout the year helped me bring the best out of me.

The trip to Roorkee for debate, trip to Agra for a basketball tournament a captain and organizing various other events like teacher’s birthday etc. throughout the year were a great experience is the best achievement.

I learnt to manage and organize everything confidently and optimistically.

I tried to work hard and perform my duties tirelessly, effectively and with full dedication in the interest and well-being of the students. This responsibility molded me into an organized and a balanced personality.

“Success always hugs you in private! But failure always slaps you in the Public!” and that’s life……………..

And I’ve experienced this all throughout my tenure and my failures always motivated me to improve and set a good example for all the budding stars (my juniors)!

(Class - XII A)
Session: 2015-16

“ Nobody ever said that life is easy and indeed it is not. It is full of turns and ditches which we have to jump over at every stage. To tackle every hurdle is an art of living and this art of living was one thing I learnt as the Head Girl of APS Allahabad ”

My first experience was the trip to Haridwar where we had gone for cluster level competitions along with other juniors.

“Every body swims in the down streams but there are few who do it in the up streams too and they are the ones who flourish.”

The trip to Haridwar, organizing of Independence day and Teachers day, the daily small and big issues of the school life were all the thorns and ditches I came across I tried to give my 100%. I don’t know if I succeeded but yes I won.

I won the faith of all the students who looked up to me for support and guidance. I won their respect. I won teachers blessings and these are somethings which matter. I surely feel that I am a much better person now and I now recognize the leader in me. To my immense pleasure, I won the award of Best Debater on the Annual Day for the session 2015-16.

  • Army Public School,
    Rajiv Gandhi Marg, New Cantt
    Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh- 211001
    Phone: 0532 - 2420772
    Email id: armyschoolalld@gmail.com
  • Today's Quote
    The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.
    Horace Walpole
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